
Resources > Reviews Archive
In the column on the left is an archive of some book reviews published by SOF mainly before 2005. We are assemling a similar list for the years since then, which we be posted in right hand column soon.
by Don Cupitt
- Cupitt, Don; After God: the Future of Religion. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1998. 0 753 80483 2. Reviewed by Dennis Nineham
- After All by Don Cupitt.
- Don Cupitt’s The Religion of Being
- Don Cupitt’s – The Religion of Being – reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Alison Webster’s review of Don Cupitt’s The Religion of Being
- Don Cupitt’s – The Revelation of Being
- White, Stephen Ross; Don Cupitt and the Future of Christian Doctrine
- Stephen Mitchell reviews Don Cupitt’s Emptiness and Brightness
- God and Reality by Don Cupitt. Reviewed by David Boulton
- Don Cupitt’s The Meaning of It All. Reviewed by Eileen Thompson
- The Last Philosophy by Don Cupitt. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Don Cupitt’s The New Religion of Life in Everyday Speech is reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Don Cupitt’s book The New Religion of Life in Everyday Speech is reviewed by Greg Spearitt
- Stephen Mitchell reviews Don Cupitt’s book Life, Life
- Don Cupitt’s book Life, Life is reviewed by Paul Overend
- New Directions in Philosophical Theology: Essays in Honour of Don Cupitt by Gavin Hyman. Reviewed by Nigel Leaves
- The Non-Realist Philosophy of Religion: Selected Essays by Don Cupitt. Reviewed by Andrew Edgar
- Don Cupitt’s preface to David Hart’s book One Faith? Non-Realism and the World of Faiths
- Philosophy’s Own Religion by Don Cupitt
- Leslie Cram offers a 20th anniversary review of The Sea of Faith by Don Cupitt
- Michael Senior reviews Radical Theology by Don Cupitt
- Comments by David Hart on Don Cupitt’s Solar Ethics
- The Way to Happiness by Don Cupitt. Reviewed by Dominic Kirkham
- Don Cupitt’s Mysticism after Modernity reviewed by David Boulton
by Lloyd Geering
- Christianity without God by Lloyd Geering. Reviewed by Janet Trisk
- Wrestling With God: The Story of my Life by Lloyd Geering, Reviewed by Ronald Pearse
- Who Owns The Holy land? by Lloyd Geering. Reviewed by Alan Goss
- God and the New Physics by Lloyd Geering. Reviewed by Noel Cheer
- Is Christianity Going Anywhere? by Lloyd Geering
- Fundamentalism by Lloyd Geering. Reviewed by Alan M Goss
- Don Cupitt’s review of Eco-Humanism by Lloyd Geering
- Janet Trisk reviews The Greening of Christianity by Lloyd Geering
- Lloyd Geering Paradise on Earth reviewed by Janet Trisk
by James Adams
- Adams, James R; So You Think You’re Not Religious? A Thinking Person’s Guide to the Church; Boston: Cowley Publications, 1989. 0936 384 697; Reviewed by the Rev Benjamin Pratt
- Adams, James R; So You Can’t Stand Evangelism? A Thinking Person’s Guide to Church Growth; Boston: Cowley Publications, 1994. 156 1010 960; Reviewed by Betsy Humphreys
- Adams, James R; From Literal To Literary: The Essential Reference Book For Biblical Metaphors; Rising Star Press, Colorado, in association with the Center for Progressive Christianity; 352pp; 2005; $22.95; Reviewed by Patti Whaley
by Stephen Mitchell
- God in the Bath by Stephen Mitchell. Reviewed by Alison McRobb
- Agenda for Faith by Stephen Mitchell
by David Boulton
- Godless for God’s Sake, edited by David Boulton and The Trouble with God, written by David Boulton. Both books are reviewed here by David Perman
- Don Cupitt reviews David Boulton’s The Faith of a Quaker Humanist
- Gerrard Winstanley and the Republic of Heaven. Dinah Livingstone reviews David Boulton’s study of the 17th century revolutionary
- In Fox’s Footsteps by David Boulton. Reviewed by Alec Davison
- Real like the Daisies or Real like I Love You? Essays in Radical Quakerism by David Boulton. Reviewed by Frank Bonner
by Nigel Leaves
- Surfing on the Sea of Faith: the Ethics and Religion of Don Cupitt by Nigel Leaves. Reviewed by David Boulton
- The God Problem – Alternatives to Fundamentalism by Nigel Leaves. Reviewed by Michael Morton
by Thomas Altizer
- Altizer, Tom; The Genesis of God: A Theological Genealogy. Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993. 0664 221 637. Reviewed by Ian Stubbs
- Thomas Altizer’s The Contemporary Jesus
by Richard Holloway
- Richard Holloway; Doubts and Loves
- Peter Selby, Bishop of Worcester, wrote this review of Richard Holloway’s Godless Morality
- David Rush reviews Looking in the Distance by Richard Holloway
on Fiction & Poetry
- Fourth Witness by Kit Widdows. Reviewed by Stephen Mitchell
- Alison McRobb reviews Train Doors Slamming by SoF member John Pearson
- Wendy Perriam writes about her 14th novel, Lying
- Knowledge of Angels by Jill Paton Walsh. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Presence – a book of poetry by Dinah Livingstone. Reviewed by David Boulton
- The Verb To Be Is Everywhere Irregular – Poetry by Anne Ashworth. Reviewed by Stephen Mitchell
on Interfaith
- Vladimir Loncare wrote this review of The Other Half of My Soul – Bede Griffiths and the Hindu-Christian Dialogue, compiled by Beatrice Bruteau
- Inter-Religious Dialogue: A Short Introduction by Martin Forward. Reviewed by David Hart
- Multi-Faith Britain: An experiment in worship by David Hart. Reviewed by Paul Overend
on Christianity & The Bible
- Patti Whaley reviews Jesus for the Non-Religious: Recovering the Divine at the Heart of the Human by John Shelby Spong
- Canongate Books of the Bible; Canongate, 2001; Reviewed by Leslie Griffiths
- Thomas Thompson’s The Bible in History: How Writers Create a Past, reviewed by Don Cupitt
- Jesus by A.N. Wilson. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Jesus, a Revolutionary Biography by John Dominic Crossan. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Jesus the Man, a New Interpretation of the Dead Sea Scrolls by Barbara Thiering. Reviewed by John Maindonald
- Robert Funk’s Honest to Jesus reviewed by Alan Goss
- The Many Faces of Christ by Jim Stuart. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Liberating the Gospels by Bishop John Spong. Reviewed by Ian Harris
- Where have all the Christians Gone? by Allan Yeoman. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Resurrection: Myth or Reality? by John Shelby Spong. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Why Bother with Theology? by Alex Wright. Reviewed by David Boulton
- Realism and Christian Faith: God, Grammar and Meaning by Andrew Moore. Reviewed by Stephen Mitchell
- Alan Goss reviews The Heart of Christianity by Marcus Borg
- Living Belief: Being Christian—Being Human by John Barton. Reviewed by Hugh Dawes
- Monica Furlong’s The CofE – The State It’s In. Reviewed by David Jenkins
on Science & Faith
- The Universe Story: a Celebration of the Unfolding of the Cosmos by (physicist) Brian Swimme and (catholic priest) Thomas Berry. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- The Sacred Depths of Nature by Ursula Goodenough. Reviewed by Barbara Smuts
- The Participatory Mind by Henryk Skolimowski. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Anthony Freeman wrote this review of John Polkinghorne’s Belief in God in an Age of Science
- Berry, Thomas; Dream of the Earth
- The Last Three Minutes by Paul Davies. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Dark Nature by Lyall Watson. Reviewed by Fred Marshall
- Patti Whaley reviews The Myths We Live By by Mary Midgley
on God
- Anthony Freeman contributed this review of Gerard Loughlin’s book Telling God’s Story
- Creating God; Re-Creating Christ by Ian Harris. Reviewed by Ronald Pearse
- The Future of God by Samantha Trenoweth. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- A History of God by Karen Armstrong. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Peter Clark reviews Religion without God by Ray Billington
on Religion
- Nigel Leaves, of Sea of Faith in Australia and author of a two-volume study on Don Cupitt, has published a book called The God Problem: alternatives to fundamentalism. Read the review by Michael Morton.
- Keith Ward; The Case for Religion
- On Religion by John D Caputo. Reviewed by Patti Whaley
- Fundamentalism and Freedom by Peter Cameron. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- A Brief History of Heresy by Gillian Rosemary Evans. Reviewed by David Hart
on Theology
- Doing Theology Ourselves by Neil Darragh
- Alison McRobb reviews the papers from a forty-year reflection on John Robinson’s Honest to God edited by Colin Slee
- In Face of Mystery by Gordon Kaufman. Reviewed by Alan Goss
- Bishop John Shelby Spong contributed this foreword to David Hart’s book, Linking Up: Radical Christianity and Sexuality
- Faith in Doubt by David Hart. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- David Paterson reviews Deconstructing Miracles, by W. Graham Monteith
- Reality Isn’t What It used to Be by Walter Anderson. Reviewed by Gillian Denny
on Humanism
- This review of Anthony Freeman’s God in Us was written by Adrian Worsfold
- What’s It All About? by Julian Baggini. Reviewed by Rob Wheeler
- The Trouble with God: Religious Humanism and the Republic of Heaven by David Boulton. Reviewed by Anne Ashworth
- Rob Wheeler reviews On Humanism by Richard Norman
- God in Us – A Case for Christian Humanism’ by Anthony Freeman. Reviewed by Lloyd Geering
- Heath, Geoff; Believing in Nothing and Something: an Approach to Humanist Beliefs and Values. Bowland Press Chesterfield 2003, 0-9544221-0-4; Reviewed by David Hart
on Faith Journeys
- Mervyn Willshaw wrote this review of Time and Tide
- Richard Jones reviewed This Is My Story
- Tried for Heresy: A 21st-Century Journey of Faith by Andrew Furlong. Reviewed by Frank Walker
- Hunt, John; Bringing God Back to Earth: Confessions of a Christian Publisher. Reviewed by Stephen Mitchell
- David Jenkins; The Calling of a Cuckoo
- Hilary Campbell reviews Casting Off , by Ruth Scott, SPCK. London. 2005. £7.99. ISBN 028105696X
- Ronald Pearse reviews The Thoughtful Guide to Faith by Tony Windross
- Ken Smith reviews a pamphlet of personal reflections by the SoF North West England Group entitled Where We Are Now
- John Hunt Daddy, Do you believe in God?
- David Boulton reviews A Radical Reader: The Struggle for Change in England, 1381-1914, edited by Christopher Hampton
on Feminist Theology
- Hampson, Daphne; After Christianity; SCM, 1997. 0 334 02640 7. Reviewed by Anthony Freeman
- Daphne Hampson’s After Christianity reviewed by Aileen La Tourette
- Silence in Heaven – a Book of Women’s Preaching by Heather Walton & Susan Durber. Reviewed by Jane Griffith
- The Mouth of the Dragon