Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 107
Sofia 107
March 2013
Towards Humanity
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Front cover image : Piero della Francesca, Mural: The Resurrection. (1463-5)
Museo Civico, Sansepolcro - Back cover image : Inverness Street Market, Camden Town.
Drawing by John Cook given to the Editor.
- Honest to God – Fifty Years On by Philip Feakin
- What Price Honesty? – Looking back at the ‘Freeman Affair’ by Tony Windross
- Two Cheers for Pelagius by David Lee
- Christ the Universal Humanity by Dinah Livingstone
- Ramy by Jane Duran
- Felix Randall by Gerard Manley Hopkins
- Liberation theology. John Pearson reviews A Just Church by Chris Howson
- Ethics. Dominic Kirkham reviews Changing how we Live by Robert Hinde
- Bible. David Hatton reviews The Good Book. A Secular Bible by A.C Grayling
- Theology. Carol Palfrey reviews God’s Favourite Colour is Tartan by Tim Firth
- Poetry and Prose. Helen Bellamy reviews Not as the Crow Flies by Anne Ashworth
Regulars and Occasionals
- Letters
- SOF Sift by Bobbie Stephens Wright
- Radio Rockall
- As I Please. Cicely Herbert visits Greenwich at Longitude Zero