Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 98
Sofia 98
December 2010
God is Human
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Front cover image : The Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Gerard David, c. 1460-1523, Netherlands
- Back cover image : Homeless in the Snow, England
- The Spyglass by David S Lee
- What does it mean if one says I believe in God by Eric Whittaker
- Part of a Pilgrimage(1) by Anne Ashworth
- Don Cupitt and Everyday Speech by David Wemyss
- Underground Poem by Victor Zamora, Chilean Miner
- The Arrival of the Orchestra by Gustavo Pereira
- Waiting by Steve Regis
- Antipodean Angles 1: David Paterson reviews Such is Life by Lloyd Geering
- Antipodean Angles 2: Tony Windross reviews I Met God in Bermuda by Steven Ogden
- Economics: Denis Gildea reviews The New Economics by David Boyle and Andrew Simms
- Poetry: Kathleen McPhilemy reviews Poppy in a Storm-struck Field by Lynne Wycherley
- Arts: Plenty of Spirit. Cicely Herbert explores a surge of interest in the live arts in Britain today
Regulars and Occasionals
- SOF Sermon by Stephen Mitchell
- Letters
- Cartoon by Josh
- SOF Sift by David Hatton
- Red Letter Days
- Radio Rockall