Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 93
Sofia 93
September 2009
Science and Religion – Making Meaning
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Front Cover Image: Photograph of the Earth with Aurora Borealis taken from space by the US Space Shuttle in 2007.
- Back Cover image: Cover of This Life on Earth, edited by Dinah Livingstone
- By What Authority? by Jocelyn Bell Burnell
- Thinking about Disability and Genetics by Tom Shakespeare
- Creationism as a Worldview: Implications for Education by Michael Reiss
- Has Everything Evolved? by David Paterson
- Reaching for the Moon 1: Sermon preached by Stephen Mitchell on Sunday July 19th 2009
- Reaching for the Moon 2: Memories of the 1969 Moon Landing by Mary Lloyd and others
- The Earth is a Satellite of the Moon by Leonel Rugama
- Final Offensive by Ernesto Cardenal
- Michael Morton reviews Dom Helder Camara: Essential Writings, edited by Francis McDonagh
- Jesus of Nazareth Ph.D? David Boulton reviews Jesus and Philosophy, by Don Cupitt
- Christopher Hampton reviews Well Versed, Poems from the Morning Star, edited by John Rety
- Trees. Cicely Herbert braves the Treetop Walkway at Kew Gardens and visits the Corot to Monet Exhibition at the National Gallery, London
Regulars and Occasionals
- Cartoon by Josh
- Letters
- SOF Sift by Grenville Gilbert
- Radio Rockall