Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 87
Sofia 87
March 2008
All Change
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Talking with Dinosaurs by Don Cupitt
- All Change! by Dominic Kirkham
- A Very Sick World by Jon Sobrino
- Jesus Calls Us from the Worship of the Vain World’s Golden Store by Graham Carey
- Our Attitude to Time by Eric Whittaker
- The Irelevance of God by Digby Hartridge
- Invocation by Kathlelen McPhilemy
- Distribution des Anges by Christopher Hampton
- This is My Body and ‘Flying’ by Anne Ashworth
- Philosophy: Stephen Mitchell reviews Impossible Loves by Don Cupitt
- Theology: Tony Windross reviews In Praise of the Secular by Lloyd Geering
- Biblical Studies: John Nurser reviews two books from the Jesus Seminar
- Poetry: Anne Ashworth reviews Common Prayer by Fiona Sampson
- Museum: Cicely Herbert visits the shoe collection in the Northampton museum
- Poetry: Jonathon Porritt reviews Earth Shattering, eco poems edited by Neil Astley
- Letters
- Current Affair by Owl
- Mayday Notes