Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 68
Sofia 68
November 2004
Against Human Sacrifice
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Articles and Features
- Terror and Resistance in Occupied Iraq by Mike Phipps
- Mysticism and Resistance. A Memoir of Dorothee Sölle by Inge Remmert-Fontes
- Hélder Câmara: From Power to Prophecy by Francis McDonagh
- Nezahualcóyotl (Hungry Coyote) 1402-72, Poet, Philosopher, King of Texcoco. A Brief Introduction by Dinah Livingstone
- ‘N’ from The Verb To Be is Everywhere Irregular by Anne Ashworth
- ‘Sicut leo in silva’; ‘Sequebatur eum a longe’; ‘Hodie portas mortis’: from Tenebrae Responsories A Sequence for Iraq by Kathleen McPhilemy
- I Have Come Here; You, Turquoise Bird; Are you Real? by Nezahualcóyotl (Yoyontzin)
- Celebration in May by Anne Beresford
- Book: Rob Wheeler reviews On Humanism by Richard Norman
- Film: Cicely Herbert reviews Fahrenheit 9/11 directed by Michael Moore
- Book: Continuity and Resistance. Christopher Hampton reviews Michael Hamburger’s two latest poetry collections: From a Diary of Non-Events and Wild and Wounded
- News Forum
- Letters
- Mayday Notes