Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 143
Sofia 143
March 2022
Thank You, Life
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
Click below for access to a PDF of this edition of Sofia or to the archive of all the SOF magazines since 1990.
- Front cover image : Leaping Hare, painting by Anne Mieke Lumsden
- Back cover image : William Blake, ‘The Christian Triumph’. Illustration to Young’s Night Thoughts. commons.wikimedia.org.
- Generosity and Gratitude by Dominic Kirkham
- ‘Well, that’s Human Nature’ by David Rhodes
- New Testament Poems and Proclamations:
1. The Christ Poem in Philippians
by Dinah Livingstone - The Bonhoeffer Challenge by Don Murray
- God and the SOF Network by Mark Dyer
- Assisted Dying by Jonathan Romain
- Adam the Second by Nicholas Bielby
- Stephen Mitchell reviews Hope’s Work by David Gee
- Francis Mcdonagh reviews Albert and the Whale by Philip Hoare
- Dominic Kirkham reviews God: An Anatomy by Francesca Stavrakopoulou
- Kathleen McPhilemy reviews The Possibility of Innocence by Nicholas Bielby
Regulars and Occasionals
- Letters to the Editor
- As I Please: John Pearson reflects on Age.