Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 141
Sofia 141
September 2021
The Future of God and Organised Religion
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Front cover image : Holy Island. Photo by John Pearson.
- Back cover image : Urizen by William Blake.
- Don Cupitt and the Sea of Faith Archive by Elaine Graham
- The Future of God and Organised Religion 1. by John Pearson
- The Future of God and Organised Religion 2. by Paul Vittle
- The Future of God and Organised Religion 3. by Iain Robertson
- Solarity: The Story So Far by Dave Francis and Denise Cush
- Jacko Calls by Dan Kennedy
- Curious Necessary Space
- Always Language is where the People are by Kathleen McPhilemy
- History: Stephen Mitchell reviews And Did those Feet: The Story and Character of the English Church AD 200-2020 by Patrick Whitworth
- Liturgy: Edward Nickell reviews New Horizons: The Celebration of Oneness based on the Eucharist by Jon Robinson
- History: Dominic Kirkham reviews Conquistadores: A New History by Fernando Cervantes
- Poetry: Kathleen McPhilemy reviews The Voyage of St Brendan by A. B. Jackson
Regulars and Occasionals
- Revisiting: Dominic Kirkham revisits The Stripping of the Altars by Eamon Duffy.
- Letters to the Editor
- As I Please: John Pearson goes on a Dales Walk