Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 139
Sofia 139
March 2021
The Struggle for Humanity
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Front cover image : Sandro Botticelli (c. 1445-1510), Primavera (Spring). - Back cover image : West Front of Westminster Abbey with statues of modern martyrs.
Evelyn de Morgan (1850-1919), ‘Mercy and Truth have met together, Justice and Peace have kissed each other’.
- Sebastian Castellio, the Pioneer of Toleration by Frank Walker
- Humanism as translation by Martin Spence
- A Sense of Self by Bobbie Stephens-Wright
- Imagine … Christian Atheism by John Pearson
- To The Dartford Warbler by Lynne Wycherley
- Dominic Kirkham reviews Changing the Goalpost of New Testament Textual Criticism by Abidan Paul Shah
- Clem Cook reviews The Godless Gospel: Was Jesus a Great Moral Teacher? by Julian Baggini
- Carol Palfrey reviews Square Haunting by Vanessa Wade
- Kathryn Southworth reviews Fools’ Paradise by Nicholas Hagger
Regulars and Occasionals
- Revisiting: Edward Nickell revisits Debt: The First 5,000 years by David Graeber.
- Letters to the Editor
- As I Please: John Pearson: Talking Rubbish