Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 130
Sofia 130
December 2018
Come All Ye
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Front cover image : Murmuration of Starlings over Brighton West Pier Photo: Philip Reeve-Shutterstock
- Back cover image : The Madonna of the Meadow by Giovanni Bellini. National Gallery, London.
- Hail, Full of Grace! A Remembrance of Things Past by Dominic Kirkham
- Grace by Dinah Paterson
- People and their gods evolve together by David Paterson
- Looking to the Future: Some Questions on the Beach by Jane Howarth (+Chart pp 14-15)
- A War to End War? by Stephen Williams
- Hidden Lives by Carol Palfrey
- Mary’s Quilt by James Priestman
- Performance by Kathleen McPhilemy
- Carrion Comfort by Gerard Manley Hopkins
- Martin Spence reviews Severn Types of Atheism by John Gray
- Pauline Pearson reviews Athanasia of Alexandria by David M. Gwynn
- David Lambourn reviews Past Perfect by Stephen Mitchell
- Graham Shipley reviews How Can I Believe? by John Cottingham
- Kathryn Southworth reviews Selected Poems by John Heath-Stubbs
Regulars and Occasionals
- Letters
- Revisiting: Alison McRobb revisits Middlemarch by George Eliot
- As I Please: John Pearson goes to the cinema.