Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 121
Sofia 121
September 2016
Religion – Where Next?
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
Click below for access to a PDF of this edition of Sofia or to the archive of all the SOF magazines since 1990.
- Front cover image : St Columbanus sets out in a boat. Anon. 15th Century.
commons.wikimedia.org - Back cover image : Study of Religions students engaging with the religious landscape of Glastonbury. Photograph by Denise Cush and permission from the students.
- ‘I’m not religious, but…’ by Denise Cush
- The Neo-Pagan Goddess by Katy Jennison
- The Freedom to be Tomorrow what we are not Today. Abstract by Andrew Brown
- ‘I was Religious but now I’m…’ by John Breadon
- Disestablishment by David Lee
- Epic by Dinah Livingstone
- Sermons: Tony Windross reviews Sermons from Suffolk by Stephen Mitchell
- Therapy: Bobbie Stephens-Wright reviews Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig
- Bible: David Hatton revisits Good as New: A Radical Retelling of the Scriptures by John Henson
- Poetry: Kathleen McPhilemy reviews Collected Poems by Carol Ann Duffy
Regulars and Occasionals
- Theological Reflection:
Religion as a Human Creation: 4. Woman. Mary and the Divine Feminine by Dinah Livingstone - Letters
- SOF Sift by Margaret Connolly
- As I Please: The Only Way to Go. John Pearson recommends a bus ride
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
Click below for access to a PDF of this edition of Sofia or to the archive of all the SOF magazines since 1990.