Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 119
Sofia 119
Easter 2016
Fellow Feeling and Generosity
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
Click below for access to a PDF of this edition of Sofia or to the archive of all the SOF magazines since 1990.
- Front cover image : Syrian refugees help clear up flood damage in Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, January 2016 Photo: Rethink Rebuild Society
- Back cover image : Sikh Khalsa Aid volunteers giving out curry to villagers in flood-hit Croston, Lancashire. Photo: Lauren Brown/PA
- Oscar Romero: the Unlikely Martyr by Francis McDonagh
- Fellow Feeling and Loving Kindness by Penny Mawdsley
- Self and Others by Bobbie Stephens-Wright
- Sixteen Sunsets by Jehane Markham
- Pay Day by Angela Kirby
- Action: Edward Walker reviews Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service by Alastair McIntosh and Matt Carmichael
- History of Ideas: Dominic Kirkham reviews Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism by Larry Siedentop
- Autobiography: Michael Morton reviews Faith and Joy: Memoirs of a Revolutionary Priest by Fernando Cardenal SJ
- Poetry: Kathryn Southworth reviews The Day after Always: New and Selected Poems by Angela Kirby
Regulars and Occasionals
- Theological Reflection:
Religion as a Human Creation: 2. Death and Resurrection by Dinah Livingstone - SOF Sift by Margaret Driver
- Letters
- As I Please. John Pearson thinks about funerals
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
Click below for access to a PDF of this edition of Sofia or to the archive of all the SOF magazines since 1990.