Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 117
Sofia 117
September 2015
Nowhere Else But Here
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Front cover image : Men’s Bathing Pond, Hampstead Heath.
(photo DL) - Back cover image : Painting: ‘Another World is Possible’ – World Social Forum motto/’A World with Room for Every World’
– Zapatista motto.
- Let’s Hear It for Utopia! by David Boulton
- The Planet and the People by Francis McDonagh
- Radical Theology versus Religious Radicalisation by Dominic Kirkham
- Freud versus Jung A Response by Edward Walker
- Thomas More’s First Step in Heaven by Nicholas Bielby
- A Legend of St Francis Umbrian Folk Song translated by Dinah Livingstone
- The Unicorn ‘Orpheus Sonnet’ by Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by J.B. Leishman
- Canticle of the Creatures by Francis of Assisi, translated by Dinah Livingstone
- Theology: David Lambourn reviews Treasure Beneath the Hearth: Myth, Gospel and Spirituality Today by Edward Walker
- Theology: Michael Morton reviews Christianity in Review: A History of the Faith in 50 Books by Anthony Kenny
- Society: Pat Caddick reviews A Disreputable Priest: Being Gay in anti-Gay Cultures by Ian Corbett
- Social Philosophy: Barbara Burfoot revisits The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine
- Poetry: Kathryn Southworth reviews The Naming of Things by Nicholas Bielby
Regulars and Occasionals
- SOF Sift by Carol Holt
- As I Please. John Pearson ruminates on the film Mr Holmes