Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 114
Sofia 114
Christmas 2014
Human Rights and Possibilities
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
Click below for access to a PDF of this edition of Sofia or to the archive of all the SOF magazines since 1990.
- Front cover image : Good and Evil Angels Struggling for Possession of a Child by William Blake
- Back cover image : Glad Day by William Blake
- Thomas Paine – the Forgotten Radical by Barbara Burfoot
- The Christ Epic as a Vision of Human Quality by Dinah Livingstone
- Credo by Dominic Kirkham
- Reflections of a Missionary’s Son by John Cragg
- Slaves or Children of God? by Michael Hell
- The French Revolution by William Wordsworth
- Underground Railroad by Jane Duran
- Carol Palfrey reviews Spirituality: A Guide for the Perplexed by Philip Sheldrake
- David Paterson reviews An Idol Unmasked by Peter Selby
- Hugh Dawes reviews Reimagining God by Lloyd Geering
- Kathryn Southworth reviews Collected and New Poems by William Oxley
Regulars and Occasionals
- SOF Sift by Graham Shipley
- Letters
- As I Please. John Pearson visits The Lizard
- Mayday Notes: Autumn Festivals