Publications > Sofia > Sofia Archive > Sofia 102
Sofia 102
December 2011
Advent and Utopia
Click on thumbnail of front and back pages for larger image.
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- Front cover image : Winter solstice sunrise at Stonehenge
- Back cover image : Occupy London Stock Exchange camp in St Paul’s Churchyard. Photo by the Editor.
- Let’s Talk Utopia by Mike Marqusee
- Advent and Utopia by Dinah Livingstone
- The Secular Meaning of the Gospel by David Warden
- Troublesome Priest by Peter Bore
- The Visionary’s World by Dominic Kirkham
- A Perspective from the Whirlwind: Job and the Package-Deal by Frank Walker
- Stateless by Kathleen McPhilemy
- Being Commissioned to Write a Poem by Peter Phillips
- The 7 Great O Antiphons translated by Dinah Livingstone
- New Year Snow by Kathleen McPhilemy
- Theology: Philip Feakin reviews Christian Atheist: Belonging without Believing by Brian Mountford
- Philosophy: Barbara Burfoot reviews An Enlightened Philosophy by Geoff Crocker
- Poetry: Sebastian Barker reviews A Thorn in the Flesh by Eddie Linden
- Dance: On Dance. Cicely Herbert visits the Dance Umbrella 2011 Festival
Regulars and Occasionals
- Work Competition
- Letters
- SOF Sift by Digby Hartridge
- Radio Rockall