SOF Sift

Publications > Sofia > SOF Sift
SOF Sift
was a column in Sofia for which Network members were invited think out loud about SOF and their own quest.
Over 8 years, from 2009 to 2017, 33 members, most of whom were not regular contributors to Sofia, wrote about the experiences which led them to Sea of Faith and what it meant to them.
As Ann Eggboro wrote in her Sift in Sofia 97: “My life is enriched by the reading and sharing the poetry, words and experiences of others and helps me appreciate the variety and insight of fellow travellers on the spiritual journey.”
Links to SOF Sift pdfs
Sofia 92 SOF Sift – Jerry Peyton
Sofia 93 SOF Sift – Grenville Gilbert
Sofia 94 SOF Sift – Richard Wood Penn
Sofia 95 SOF Sift – Barbara Burfoot
Sofia 97 SOF Sift – Ann Eggboro
Sofia 98 SOF Sift – David Hatton
Sofia 99 SOF Sift – Christine Hacklett
Sofia 100 SOF Sift – Steve Regis
Sofia 101 SOF Sift – Hilary Campbell
Sofia 102 SOF Sift – Digby Hartridge
Sofia 103 SOF Sift – Oliver Essame
Sofia 104 SOF Sift – Carol Palfrey
Sofia 105 SOF Sift – Mary D’Ath
Sofia 106 SOF Sift – Helena Woddis
Sofia 107 SOF Sift – Bobbie Stephens Wright
Sofia 108 SOF Sift – Mike Sumpner
Sofia 109 SOF Sift – John Cragg
Sofia 110 SOF Sift – David Lambourn
Sofia 111 SOF Sift – Jane and Miles Howarth
Sofia 112 SOF Sift – Pat Whaley
Sofia 113 SOF Sift – Bob Booth
Sofia 114 SOF Sift – Graham Shipley
Sofia 115 SOF Sift – Robert Culbard
Sofia 116 SOF Sift – Kevin Beint
Sofia 117 SOF Sift – Coral Holt
Sofia 118 SOF Sift – Simon Mapp
Sofia 119 SOF Sift – Margaret Driver
Sofia 120 SOF Sift – Michael Hell
Sofia 121 SOF Sift – Margaret Connolly
Sofia 122 SOF Sift – Andy Kemp