website concerns

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Why we need your help

The Sea of Faith has had a website since 1999 and in that time a huge number of articles, reports on events, reviews, magazine editions, recordings and personal reflections by members have been added to the site.

We hope to have your help to work out how much of this material should be transferred to the new site and how much should be archived.

We also need your advice as to how we can best use our new website and social media to maintain the conversation and reinvigorate the network.

And, of course, if we have made any mistakes or there are things that don’t work as they should, please let us know.

Let us know what you think …

You can use the forms below to tell us how you think our website could be improved, but, if you prefer, please feel free to email us directly or to contact one of the management team.

Until the rebuilding process is over, you may find yourself at a page on the old site which looks something like this (click to enlarge). Links to the old site will always open in a new tab in your browser, so you can always find you way back.


This form sould be used to recommend changes to the content of our website.

In particular, if there are pages on the old website that you think should be updated and added to the new, let us know.

Use it if you have particular concerns about specific articles and pages that have been around for a long time and which may need to be revised, archived or deleted.


Please use the form below for your suggestions on contents.


This form is for suggesting ways that the delivery of SOF concerns could be improved.

On the website and beyond –

  • Social Media, blogs, podcasts etc.
  • Press & media coverage
  • Links to and contact with sites and organisations with similar concerns

If you have experience in any of these fields and can offer dvice, or feel able to help, please let us know.

Please use the form below for your suggestions on delivery.

The Website

This form is for members and others  to make recommendations for the improvement of the website.

It is importnat that the site is easy to navigate and accessible – that peole can quickly fidn hte infomation they are looking for, so please let us know ig you find:

  • What should added
  • What should be deleted
  • Mistakes, pages and links that don’t work, typos etc.
  • …and lots more

Please use the form below for your suggestions for the website.

My Content Suggestions

My Delivery Suggestions

My Website Suggestions